Monday, September 05, 2005

Head Up My Ass

George Bush has his Head firmly Up His Ass.
Welcome to Head Up My Ass. I've been wanting to do it for a couple of years ever since the submarine Kursk went down and Putin had his head up his ass for 3 days while a sub full of men suffocated. Many of our "leaders" International, National, and Local have had their heads up their asses since then, BUT none more then this month's Winner: George W. Bush.
His (MIS) handling of the Katrina situation is nothing short of Absymal. How many more have to suffer needlessly? Clearly it looks like Kanye West was right, but not entirely. It's not entirely a race issue as Aaron Broussard the President of Jefferson Parish so eloquently pointed out on Meet the Press (quicktime video) (windows media player)
What will / won't he do next? Your guess is as good as mine. Until then, we'll be here waiting...and watching.
One more thing... Mr. President, Get Your Head Out of Your Ass and get the resources of the United States of America in the mix. Stop with the useless fucking photo opps trying to find "folks" that you can hug.

Finally for now...
Please donate to the people who ARE trying to help.
The American Red Cross and The Salvation Army

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