Monday, September 12, 2005

Bush Vows a `Sober Look' at Federal Katrina Response

Bush Vows a `Sober Look' at Federal Katrina Response...
With just what eyes has he BEEN looking at it with? Can it be that he's not been able to focus attention on the one of the worst national tragedies since the 2000-2004 elections because of an addiction to Laudanum. Naah...Good folks like him don't drink things they can't pronounce.

When does catastophic death and destruction deserve a sober lookie see?

When do bodies floating around in the flooded streets of an American city deserve a SOBER LOOK?
When does LOOTING, RAPE, MURDER, and good old fashioned DEHYDRATION Deserve a SOBER LOOK?
What kind of look are we talking about here Georgie Boy? A slight glance across a crowded room? A sly come hither stare? Will you be looking at it with Betty Davis Eyes?

Can we all come and watch?
Jack-Ass...What does it sound like to say my Head is Up My Ass from within your own ass?

1 comment:

Dave Jackson said...
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