Monday, September 12, 2005

Bush Vows a `Sober Look' at Federal Katrina Response

Bush Vows a `Sober Look' at Federal Katrina Response...
With just what eyes has he BEEN looking at it with? Can it be that he's not been able to focus attention on the one of the worst national tragedies since the 2000-2004 elections because of an addiction to Laudanum. Naah...Good folks like him don't drink things they can't pronounce.

When does catastophic death and destruction deserve a sober lookie see?

When do bodies floating around in the flooded streets of an American city deserve a SOBER LOOK?
When does LOOTING, RAPE, MURDER, and good old fashioned DEHYDRATION Deserve a SOBER LOOK?
What kind of look are we talking about here Georgie Boy? A slight glance across a crowded room? A sly come hither stare? Will you be looking at it with Betty Davis Eyes?

Can we all come and watch?
Jack-Ass...What does it sound like to say my Head is Up My Ass from within your own ass?

Northern Ireland...Leaders must 'back forces of law'

We're going international for this entry today...Northern Ireland. How many times has the world seen a headline that started this way..."The violence started after a Protestant Orange Order parade was re-routed away from a nationalist area of west Belfast ."
How many times over the last 30 years. It's not just the Protestants, the Catholics share an equal amount of the blame. AND FOR WHAT? To celebrate a battle in 1688 Where William of Orange married to James II daughter agreed to engage his father - in - law in battle Because...
The inability of James II to work with Parliament, combined with his reckless Catholic appointments, brought both the political and religious spheres of the monarchy under fire again. The situation reached its climax in 1688. James established an alliance with Catholic France; arrested Archbishop Sancroft and six other bishops for failing to proclaim the Catholic faith; tampered with private property and historic rights; and produced a male heir after abandoning Anglicanism for Catholicism, which destroyed Parliament's hopes that the crown would pass to the Protestant children of James' first marriage. Parliament appealed to William of Orange, urging him to save England from a Catholic takeover. William gathered his forces and landed in England in November of 1688. William's professional troops and the welcome they received from the English landholders intimidated James. James was captured while fleeing from London, but William ensured him safe passage to France. James, feeling alone and realizing his lack of popular support, abdicated and accepted his exile in France. James made one attempt to regain the crown, but his French and Irish forces were soundly defeated at the Battle of Boyne and James returned to France to live the rest of his life in exile."

Now...normally these sorts of things fall into the history books to be looked at from time to time, Not this one. You'd think the Protestants would be happy enough with their victory...Sadly they are not content, They every year make a little parade trough the Catholic sections of Belfast to sort of rub it in as it were. The Catholics as you might imagine get a bit dismayed at this. Hence "The Troubles". I've been to Northern Ireland. It's the most beautiful natural scenery I've ever seen. Certainly the nicest people I've ever met. I've been to Belfast. I've been to the Falls Road. I've been with people on both sides, Good people by all accounts that look exactly alike talk like they are trying to kill each other. Everyone I met knew someone who had died. I just don't get it, and this is the best(?) part of the whole thing...It was Loyalists bombing and Firing on British forces. Now why do you figure that was? Could it be that the Loyalists feel they got the wrong end of the stick in the agreement with the IRA? Maybe Ian Paisley's just gone Mad? What's Gerry Adams doing about now? All sides there, The Catholics, The Protestants and certianly the British HAVE YOUR HEADS UP YOUR ARSES...FIX IT NOW.
Time is wasting for nothing.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

...Pat Robertson

Is a Moron. A Dangerous Moron. The moral equivalent of Osama Bin Laden. But this takes the cake... Can it get any better then FEMA being in partnership with Robertson's Charity organization?


Monday, September 05, 2005

HUMA - Can you say Head Up My Ass?

Bush clears schedule for Katrina
I found this as perfect a statement as I think I've ever seen. It would have been a bit sharper on his part to clear his schedule about a week ago. Part of his schedule might have been authorizing the dispatch of some Navy vessels to the area so they could help out directly after the storm. Especially The Comfort. That might have been a good thing.
Anyone check out the price of gas recently...Try this, I'm getting to why. Did you know that Both President Bush AND Dick Cheney use geothermal energy on their respective ranches. Funny isn't it, the 2 biggest oil guys in the country don't use oil or gas to heat their own homes? Why cut into the profits.

Finally for now...
Please donate to the people who ARE trying to help.
The American Red Cross and The Salvation Army

Head Up My Ass

George Bush has his Head firmly Up His Ass.
Welcome to Head Up My Ass. I've been wanting to do it for a couple of years ever since the submarine Kursk went down and Putin had his head up his ass for 3 days while a sub full of men suffocated. Many of our "leaders" International, National, and Local have had their heads up their asses since then, BUT none more then this month's Winner: George W. Bush.
His (MIS) handling of the Katrina situation is nothing short of Absymal. How many more have to suffer needlessly? Clearly it looks like Kanye West was right, but not entirely. It's not entirely a race issue as Aaron Broussard the President of Jefferson Parish so eloquently pointed out on Meet the Press (quicktime video) (windows media player)
What will / won't he do next? Your guess is as good as mine. Until then, we'll be here waiting...and watching.
One more thing... Mr. President, Get Your Head Out of Your Ass and get the resources of the United States of America in the mix. Stop with the useless fucking photo opps trying to find "folks" that you can hug.

Finally for now...
Please donate to the people who ARE trying to help.
The American Red Cross and The Salvation Army